Facial Fat Grafting – Fat Transfer Injections Panama City
Interested in facial fat grafting? With this treatment, we are able to move fat cells out of trouble areas of the body to improve areas of the face that have been affected by the aging process. This results in smooth, full, youthful skin.
Facial fat grafting is an injectable treatment designed to correct various facial issues. It can fill in shallow lines and harsh wrinkles, such as marionette lines, crow’s feet, frown lines, and the nasolabial folds. The treatment can also fill in acne scars and volumize shallow regions of the face.
Dr. Adil Ceydeli, a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Panama City area, will be able to explain the facial fat grafting procedure in further detail and can answer any questions you may have. Find out more today – set up an appointment by contacting our office.