Many People Come In for the Asian Eyelid Lift

For those of East Asian descent, the eyelids are a striking feature of the face. Unfortunately, for many of these people, the shape of their eyelids is a cause for concern. The Asian eyelid lift is a surgical procedure that can help you to change the shape of your eyelids to get the look you desire.
What Is an Asian Eyelid Lift?
For most people with East Asian features, the upper eyelids lack a natural crease. The Asian eyelid lift creates a crease on the upper eyelids or redefines the crease for those with a natural crease.
Why Do Patients Come In for an Asian Eyelid Lift?
Patients come to our office for an Asian eyelid lift to experience aesthetic enhancement of the eyes that does not cause Westernization of the eyes. Additionally, if your upper eyelid lacks the crease that constitutes the supratarsal epicanthic fold, it also causes other issues.
These include impairment in the functioning of the tear ducts, constriction of proper vision, and tightness of the upper eyelid margin, which creates friction while using contact lenses. A simple surgery can easily correct all of these issues.
This procedure can also address in-turning of lashes and remove excess skin that droops and impairs vision.
The First Step: The Consultation
If you choose to undergo the Asian eyelid lift, it is best to first consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During this consultation, your surgeon will check for allergies against common anesthesia drugs, both for local anesthesia and general anesthesia. They will perform an examination of your eyelids and will ask you about your medical history. You will be able to discuss your aesthetic needs and goals and can see before-and-after photos.
The Second Step: The Asian Eyelid Lift Procedure
At the start of the procedure, local anesthesia will be administered in order to help the patient feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. Using local anesthesia allows the surgeon to monitor the shape and function of the eyelids during the procedure, ensuring safety and aesthetic appeal. The surgeon marks an incision location on each upper eyelid and then creates the incisions.
The proper amount of skin, fatty tissue, and muscle tissue will be removed from the eyelids. To create a crease, the skin is joined to the cartilage and ligaments. The incision marks are hidden under the folds of the skin.
The surgical procedure can take about two hours to complete. Patients should make sure that they arrange for a ride home from a friend or a family member prior to the day of surgery.
After the Asian eyelid lift operation, there is mild swelling and bruising along the surgical areas. The incisions heal within two to three weeks, with the final results visible within one month after the surgery.
Find Out More with a Consultation
When you speak to double-board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Adil Ceydeli during a consultation, you will learn more about the details of the Asian eyelid lift procedure. You will also be able to ask any questions you may have. For a consultation, contact us today.