What to Expect for Your Radiesse Treatment

The signs of aging are inevitable. Wrinkles, folds, and age lines in the facial skin can affect one’s appearance and can look unsightly. Plastic surgery offers many options to address facial wrinkles.
There are a number of non-surgical treatments available to make your skin smoother and take years off of your face. Among one of these treatments is a relatively newer filer called Radiesse.
Radiesse injections are minimally invasive and can be used to smooth out wrinkles and lines on the face. Radiesse is an FDA-approved filler and is often used to restore volume to sunken cheeks as well. Radiesse injections can be used to treat wrinkles on your forehead, around the corners of your eyes and lips, marionette lines, and in many other areas.
What Is Radiesse Made Of?
Radiesse is composed of a gel-like solution in which tiny microscopic spheres are suspended. These spheres are comprised of a substance known as calcium hydroxylapatite, which is found in the teeth and bones of the human body. Since calcium hydroxylapatite is commonly found in the human body, it does not cause any allergic reactions and is considered to be quite safe.
How It Works
Radiesse treatments are outpatient procedures and usually take about 15 minutes to perform. Radiesse is injected directly under the skin in the areas where the wrinkles are located. They restore volume instantly and also stimulate the skin cells to produce new collagen at a higher rate.
Over time, the components of Radiesse are metabolized by the body, leaving behind only the natural new collagen produced by the tissues.
How to Prepare for Treatment
Almost no preparation is required before a Radiesse treatment, since anesthesia agents are not involved. You will be asked to refrain from smoking and taking painkillers such as ibuprofen or aspirin during the weeks leading up to the procedure.
It is important to disclose your complete medical history to Dr. Ceydeli during your consultation in order to rule out any complications that could arise as a result of your past medical history.
Good Candidates for Radiesse Treatment
Almost any individual who is above the age of 18 and in relatively good health is a good candidate for receiving Radiesse treatments. Pregnant and nursing women are advised against taking these injections. Also, patients who have a history of a life-threatening illness or are at risk for any other conditions should not get Radiesse treatments.
What Are the Results of Using Radiesse?
The results of your Radiesse treatment are likely to last for a year or sometimes longer. They can be seen in the form of smooth, wrinkle-free skin and an increase in the volume of areas that appeared hollow.
Immediately after the treatment, you are likely to experience some mild swelling and redness around the area where the injections have been administered. These are the temporary side effects of the injection and will subside gradually.
Make an Appointment for Your Radiesse Consultation
If Radiesse sounds like it might be the right filler option for you, contact the office of Dr. Adil Ceydeli for a consultation. Dr. Ceydeli, a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, will be happy to help.